Integers are a set of whole numbers that include positive and negative numbers, as well as zero. They are different from fractions and decimals, which are not whole numbers. Some examples of integers are 1, -2, 0, 10, -100, and 500. Integers are used in many different contexts, such as temperature, money, and sports scores.
An integer is a whole number that includes negative and positive numbers, including zero. It has no decimal or fractional part. A few examples of integers are: -4, 0, 2, 5, 8, 97.
A set of integers, which is represented as Z, includes:
The set of integers is represented by the letter Z and it is written as shown below:
Z = {... -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...}
Observe the figure given below to understand the definition of integers.
Positive integer and negative integers are opposit to each other.
The absolute value of an integer is its numerical value irrespective of its sign. It is represented by | |. While writing the absolute value of an integer, we don't consider its sign.
Example: Absolute value of -8 = |-8| = 8 Absolute value of 12 = |12| = 12
Adding a positive integer means moving to the right side on the number line. Adding a negative integer means moving to the left side on the number line.
Answer = 2
subtraction of integers is an inverse process of addition.
To subtract an integer from another integer, we add the opposite of first integer to second integer.
Subtract -5 from 10
= 10 - (-5)
= 10 + 5 (opposite of first integer -5 is +5)
= 15.
On a straight line, a number line is a visual representation of numbers. This line is infinite, extending horizontally on both sides, with numbers placed at equal intervals for the purpose of comparing them. The set of integers, like other numbers, can also be represented on a number line.
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